Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I found this photo on the net (sorry, don't know the source) and I love it. I want to do this decoration for Christmas. It will be a lot of work but it's so great to share memories with family and friends and I think this is the perfect way. Now to set some time aside to make it happen....hmmm.


Saturday, November 13, 2010

adidas be-dazzled

Miss P. spends a week in the summer with her Great Aunt Sharon at the cottage. Aunt Sharon is the best at everything, cake decorating, sewing, crafts, and be-dazzling! Miss P. went to the cottage with a new pair of adidas super stars this summer and came home with a be - dazzled pair of super stars! She loves them and so do all the kids at school. I finally got around to taking a photo of them and here it is. 

They really sparkle in the sun but this is the best we could capture. The little jewels are actually Swarovski Crystals, Uncle George is a wholesale jeweler - Yup, you know it, I send my Christmas Want list right Aunt Sharon and Uncle George!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Last of the flowers - for awhile anway.

While I'm looking at end of September photos on my camera ( still have not down loaded) - Christmas is creeping up on us. Santa Claus Parade is next weekend......a great excuse to make chili and ask my neighbor Anita to make her most excellent corn bread, hint hint. Yum.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Working. Really....!

The time has come.  
Dramatic eh? 

Well, for the moment anyway. 

I have taken on a part-time job with the city for next 2 months. 
The hours are great, Mon- Fri, 9am - 2pm. I am still able to run all children to and from school and even walk the dog before work. It's with the Sales and Development department. I like it. 

This little venture will make me appreciate what I had. Staying at home, my own schedule doing what I wanted when I wanted and visiting friends anytime of the day, in fact all day if I liked, 
wink* wink* ~ Miss Tina. 

I'll keep you posted on how I/we manage.

 Both photos are from the neighborhood - (Dianne - I know you're going to take a walk around the block. hee, hee.) I have juiced both photos as Karen likes to say. I'm still waiting for both Karen and Dianne to set-up their blogs  - let me know when your up and running ladies.


Monday, November 1, 2010

enough already - right?

 I love it - I can't get enough of the textures! 
I know they look very messy but I love them because I'm actually learning more about photoshop than ever before. Once I become comfortable with the process behind creating a textured photo (wow, lots of background work), I really think some might turn out nice!

This will come in handy when I take photos around the house and need to blur the mess in the background - genius!

Til next time, 