The time has come.
Dramatic eh?
Well, for the moment anyway.
I have taken on a part-time job with the city for next 2 months.
The hours are great, Mon- Fri, 9am - 2pm. I am still able to run all children to and from school and even walk the dog before work. It's with the Sales and Development department. I like it.
This little venture will make me appreciate what I had. Staying at home, my own schedule doing what I wanted when I wanted and visiting friends anytime of the day, in fact all day if I liked,
wink* wink* ~ Miss Tina.
I'll keep you posted on how I/we manage.
Both photos are from the neighborhood - (Dianne - I know you're going to take a walk around the block. hee, hee.) I have juiced both photos as Karen likes to say. I'm still waiting for both Karen and Dianne to set-up their blogs - let me know when your up and running ladies.