Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tom Brady

Our cat Tom Brady used to drink out of the dog's water bowl on the floor, until we got a fish! 

I'm sure this is common among Cat and Fish owners but WoW it's new for us. Of course at first we were nervous he would try catching the fish and even end up in the fish bowl, but no, he just drinks the water and watches the fish, named "splash" swim around.

I love this photo below - Tom Brady looks like he wants to say "what? I'm not doing anything wrong".

I have had these photo's on file for awhile and just simply wanted to post them so we can look back and laugh.

Tom Brady and Splash - Friends

I should be back early next week - lots going on this weekend, can't wait to share. Have a nice week.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thank You Scotty and Cheryl

Do you remember a post call "Ice Time" back in Janurary?

It tells about our wonderful friends with an outdoor ice rink that doubles as a curling rink with boards and lights and everything.
And remember the fire pit that I absolutly love......well at the fire pit they have chairs and rocks and barn beams to sit on. Of course I fell in love with the old barn beams and mentioned this to the owners. As sweet as they are, that spring Mr. Scotty showed up on my door step with a beam from his very own fire pit and insisted I take it.

Spring quickly turned into the end of summer and there sat the barn beam up against the house. Oh I knew exactly what I wanted it to look like, I just didn't make the time to do anything with it, and then it happened........ My Mr. took vacation.

When Mr.J takes vacation his favorite place to be is at home, Working, yes a capital "W" he works hard and is very efficient.  He likes to "get things done" as he puts it. Mr.J takes on many projects at once, major projects, and finishes everyone of them in a timely manner - my Mom always tells me how lucky I am and I know it.
With Mr.J's input we found a wonderful person that works with metal. After a meeting, drawings and a few emails we got exactly what we wanted. I love it, our new barn beam bench with metal strapping. It proudly sits in the kitchen against a mellow yellow wall and has instintly given the kitchen an edgy modern feel.

So thank you to Scotty and Cheryl for sharing and you have first seating rights on the barn beam bench.


P.S. - Vacation week Mr. J also repainted the master and re-decorated - photos to come.